Raspberry Pi. The low-cost “mini” computer

The Raspberry pi is a low-cost computer of the size of a credit card which is connected to a monitor or a televisión and which uses an standard keyboard and mouse. It is a small device that allows people of all ages to explore computing and allows to learn to programme in languages such as Scratch and Python. It is capable of doing everythingthat is expected of a desk computer. Surf the Internet, reproduce high definition videos, making spreadsheets, execute Word processors and play games.

And what is more, the Raspberry Pi has the capacity of interacting with the outside world and has been used in a wide range of projects of makers, from music machines to aviary meteorological stations that twit the atmospheric changes they detect.

Arduino, the perfect allie

Arduino is an open code platform of prototype base don hardware and software easy to use. Arduino boards are able to read the inputs (the light in a sensor, a finger in a button or a message in Twitter) and turn i tinto an exit (the activation of a motor, switch on a LED, publish something in the Internet). You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller of the board. For this, the programming language of Arduino is used.

Through the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from daily objects to scientific complex instruments. A world wide Makers community (students, amateurs, artists, programmers and proffesionals) and counts on a great support in the net.

United we stand

Making good use of Raspberry pi and Arduino qualities, projects of a great technic complexity can be carried out in a simple way. Arduino is ideal to move a motor, read a sensor or switching on a LED; while Raspberry Pi can be connected to the Internet while it reproduces videos or send e-mails

Both Raspberry Pi and Arduino have wide and active communities that surround them. They are not noly used in schools but also in all the makerspaces in the world.

A whole world to discover and develop.

Arduino counts on many devices that make of it the perfect platform to develop any idea o technologic projects

With the irruption of the IT there is a whole world to develop and Arduino is the ideal tool that will help us to carry out our ideas. From “connecting” our clothes to the Internet and showing the number of followers we count on in real time, to providing our piece of clothes with enough intelligence to monitorize our heart rhythm while we are doing sports.

Kinesthetic corporal

We will work fine motor through the manipulation of pieces, panels and different materials of different sizes, textures, shapes, etc.

Visual spatial

Mental creations will be reflected through the different structures as plans, models, etc. to create real projects with mobility and fitted in with the space, shape, place, distance, size, volumen, etc.

Verbal linguistic

For team work, both linguistic and social habilities are required for reasoning, arguing, setting out, understanding, etc. We will set out situations for the students to develop such habilities and for this we will provide them with different tools also useful for the staging of dramatized situations through which they will verbalize what they have created.


Throughout the Project we will individually reflect on the difficulties that come up or the route to follow. A space for reflection will be set up to think about what will be created. Every individual contribution will be taken into account and an idea born from the group and agreed by consensus will be formed.

Pertsonen artekoa

It is the basis to team work. We will empathize with the others as many questions will raise, that will be solved through the rationing of ideas and managing the adequate explanations. We will identify emotions to be able to create from consensus and agreement. For that, we will have to listen, share, etc. All the previous work will give raise to argue, analyze and share what has been created, to be able to see the different positions and defend them.

Logical mathematical

The different mathematical combinations will give us the possibility of mobilizing the devices. We will also use these devices to work on the curricular aims through some challenges and solving mathematical problems, from numeration to the most complex operations.